Conflict of interest prevention management Conflict of interest prevention management

Conflict of interest prevention management

Conflict of interest prevention management

As part of our conflict of interest prevention management, we have a commitment to “avoid conflict of interest”, which is part of the company’s Integrity Code.

In addition, the Integrity and Anti-Corruption and Fraud Policy establishes that our employees undertake to identify and communicate to the corresponding body situations of real, apparent or potential conflicts of interest, personal or in relation to third parties, for their verification, analysis, registration, control and monitoring. This communication allows the implementation of relevant mechanisms that prevent harm to our workers and the company, in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Prevention Management regulations approved for this purpose.

Through the Commitment of Adherence to the Integrity System, we adopt measures of evaluation and analysis of the information declared by our workers about their particular interests and those of their relatives within the second degree of consanguinity and affinity to prevent, manage and disclose conflicts of interest. Our workers sign this commitment annually, in accordance with the Integrity Code and the Procedure for Detection, Verification, Control and Follow-up of Conflict of Interest.

Said declaration is completed and signed virtually, the information is stored on a digital platform that is verified by the corresponding area in order to warn of the occurrence of any conflict of interest and take action in a timely manner.

Likewise, according to the provisions of the indicated procedure, prior to the contracting of goods, services or works, the participating areas must review the digital platform, since it stores the information of the legal or natural persons declared by our workers, in order to warn before a contract the existence or not of a conflict of interest.

If any declared company is detected, the areas consult the corresponding area, which issues its opinion determining if there is a conflict of interest and, if applicable, presents a recommendation to apply control measures.

Regarding the processes of contracting goods and services, it is a requirement that all suppliers comply with submitting the Affidavit of Conflict and Interest of Suppliers, where it can indicate if it has any conflict of interest when contracting with our company.

It should be noted that, within our training programs, we include awareness-raising activities aimed at our workers to avoid and prevent situations of conflict of interest.