Internal and external socialization of anti-corruption policies and procedures Internal and external socialization of anti-corruption policies and procedures

Internal and external socialization of anti-corruption policies and procedures

Internal and external socialization of anti-corruption policies and procedures

In 2022, through the completion of the Integrity System Adherence Commitment, more than 95% of our workers achieved knowledge ofanti-corruption policies and procedures.

Internal socialization of anti-corruption policies and procedures

WorkersTotal Informed Workers *Number of workers trained Percentage 2022 Percentage 2021

* Number of workers informed during theyear
Source: Compliance Officer and Corporate Management Processes and Risks.

In relation to our business partners, we have strengthened our corruption prevention systems and our Zero Tolerance Policy, as 100% of our suppliers of goods, services and works are aware of anti-corruption policies and procedures.

External socialization of anti-corruption policies and procedures

PartnersTotal PartnersNumber of partners communicatedPercentage 2022Percentage 2021
Suppliers of goods, services and works469469100%100%

Source: Compliance Office, Corporate Management Processes and Risks and Logistics Department Management.

Regarding capacity building, during 2022, the members of the Board of Directors were trained in a culture of integrity as a mechanism to fight corruption. In addition, of a total of 1355 supervisors and 1300 workers, 518 and 179 of these, respectively, were trained in integrity, conflict of interest and whistleblowing channel issues, respectively. Likewise, training was provided on anti-corruption and anti-bribery issues and the SPLAFT.

The following table details the training topics and the number of attendees.

Staff trained in ethics and anti-corruption in 2022

Ethical and anti-corruption mattersNumber of Participants**
Corruption prevention (anti-bribery)161

** The number of participants corresponds to the number of attendees per talk.
Source: Compliance Office and Corporate Management Processes and Risks.