Complaints and Claims Mechanism Complaints and Claims Mechanism

Complaints and Claims Mechanism

Complaints and Claims Mechanism

Within this framework, our Mechanism for Attention to Complaints and Social Grievances allows us to timely and efficiently collect and address the doubts and concerns of the main stakeholders and, through early intervention, identify and manage the interests of social actors, in order to address the underlying needs.

This mechanism has different means to receive complaints, claims and suggestions from the population, organizations and local authorities, whose requests can be submitted through the following channels:

  • In person, inside or outside the company’s facilities.
  • Online, through the web.
  • In writing, via letter.
  • Telephone
  • Physical mailbox, in areas that are difficult to access.

Our workers are responsible for managing these requests, for which they are permanently trained. In addition, if the user requires support to transmit their complaint, claim or suggestion orally or in writing, our workers have the ability to guide them and provide them with appropriate care.

Regarding responsibilities, the manager is responsible for communicating to the interested party the actions taken and their implementation period, in addition to evaluating the progress of these.

It should be noted that our mechanism provides for the possibility for users to submit their complaints or grievances anonymously if they prefer. Likewise, the result of our Mechanism for Attention to Complaints and Social Claims of the year 2022 is contemplated in the materiality procedure for the preparation of this report.

As of the end of 2022, no cases of violation of the human rights of indigenous citizens of native communities have been identified.