Cultural Management: constant and committed to the country Cultural Management: constant and committed to the country

Cultural Management: constant and committed to the country

Cultural Management: constant and committed to the country

In 2022, we continued with the gradual return to face-to-face presence of our cultural management activities. Within this framework, our action program integrated mixed activities based on its own events and in partnership with public and private institutions in the country and abroad.

It should be noted that cultural social networks maintain a predominance in the determination to reach new and greater beneficiaries.

Our cultural social networks

In order to disseminate timely information and achieve positive interaction with our users, we continue to strengthen our cultural social networks by adapting them to new communication trends.

For this reason, we achieved the goals set and obtained the following achievements:


  • Community of 73,234 followers.
  • Average reach of 1,449,730 users.
  • 34.10% greater reach compared to 2021.

more followers compared to 2021


  • Interaction of 20,411 users.
  • Average reach of 415,975 users.

more views compared to 2021

Cultural Management and Petroleum Museum website

In order to disseminate our actions in a timely manner and provide greater interaction options to our users, we do the following:

  • We strengthened the Virtual Library and Virtual Exhibitions sections.
  • We added spaces with new articles related to literature, science and history.

Digital publications

In order to promote the reading and dissemination of the book, we have added new publications to our Virtual Library, so that our users can enjoy reading online and for free. Among the 40 titles included during 2022, there are the following:

Winning works of the 2021 Copé Prize

  • El resplandor de la serpiente
  • Ciertas formas de fuego
  • El buey manso y doce días para disuadir al matarife
  • Cinco días en Huarochirí, entre otros.

Complete works by Abraham Valdelomar

  • Maranga
  • Desde el Uspu de los Incas
  • Collection El cuento peruano, entre otros.

Regarding sentiment in cultural social networks, we achieved 29% neutral reach and 55% positive reach, while, in the negative, 16%.

2022 Copé Award

We organized the contest of the renowned national literary competition Copé Prize which, in 2022, celebrated 43 years of promotion and dissemination of Peruvian literature.

The number of participants in the XXII Short Story Biennial was 1960, and in the VIII Essay Biennial it was 59 works, therefore, 2019 works were called for the 2022 Copé Awards.

Below are the results of these awards:

Results of the 2022 Copé Awards

  Category Writer Works
XXII Story Biennial Gold Copé Award David del Águila Quevedo Días de prueba esperando a Paradise
Silver Copé Award Christian Elguera El último sortilegio de Fernando Pessoa
Bronze Copé Award Reynaldo Santa Cruz Tribus urbanas
VIII Essay Biennial Copé Award Jorge Valenzuela Garcés Un mundo precario. Ensayo sobre la obra y la escritura de Franz Kafka

Source: Cultural Management Unit of the Communications and Institutional Relations Management.

We resume our Copé Book Distribution Plan

We resumed the Library Implementation Program with books published by the Ediciones Copé Petroperú label, arrested in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with which we managed to benefit various teaching and research centers in the national territory.

  • 15,450 books distributed.
  • 1940 copies sold, with this we achieved the capture of S/66,205 for the company’s budget.

Virtual and in-person activities

Sponsorships and participations

  • In partnership with the Ministry of Culture (MINCUL) we promoted two face-to-face exhibitions at the National Museum of Peru (MUNA), and we achieved 14,536 visits:
  • Huauque. Symbols of power in ancient Peru
  • Stone oil. The energy of time. Contribution of the hydrocarbon industry to national development
  • We support the presentation of a concert program of the national casts of our country in the MUNA, in partnership with the MINCUL.
  • We support the publication of the book La caída de los imperios, in coordination with the Fondo de Cultura Económica, the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
  • We support the holding of the Creando Escritores storytelling contest, aimed at secondary school students from emblematic and national schools in the country.
  • We organized the II Story Contest and IV Essay Contest for schoolchildren in Talara, in order to contribute to the communities surrounding our operations.

Our cultural products

Crossroads. Looks at the Bicentennial

In 2022, we organized the sixth edition of the series of conferences established by Petroperú, led by prominent Peruvian researchers who addressed current issues and those with an impact on national history.

Reach of the cycle
65,543 reproductions.

COPErsaciones de oro

Series of interviews to pay tribute to the winners of the Copé Award. During 2022, 16 programs/interviews were held with the winners of the Novel and Essay category.

Reach of the cycle
508,757 reproductions.

Copé International Dialogues

In September 2022, in partnership with the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we began discussions on the winning works of the Copé Prize, with the aim of disseminating Peruvian literature abroad, promoting the reading of our Virtual Library and disseminating the Copé Awards, as well as the publications of the Ediciones Copé label.

Scope of the cycle
63,543 reproductions.

Literary anniversaries

We developed four programs related to important dates in Peruvian literature, where we considered four emblematic works for the literary world.

Reach of the cycle
30,449 reproductions.

Poetry recitals

In partnership with the Peruvian Academy of Language (APL), and with the participation of prestigious Peruvian poet teachers, we held four poetic recitals.

Reach of the cycle
21,480 reproductions

Training programs through specialized workshops

In partnership with the Academia Peruana de la Lengua (APL), and

We conducted 10 workshops in the following disciplines: theater workshop for children and adolescents, poetry workshop, reading workshop for women, theater workshop for adults, creation workshop for children, literary creation workshop.

These workshops were attended by renowned national artists and writers, as well as winners of the Copé Prize from previous years, such as Cronwell Jara, Oscar Limache, Rebeca Urbina, Carmen Ollé, Giovanni Arce, Rocío Uchofen, Victoria Guerrero, among others. 

994 people attended.

500 participants in the specialized workshops.

Participation in book fairs

  • We make public presentations of the winning works of the 2021 Copé Award, in poetry and novel, as well as:
    • Peruvian micro-story
    • 21. Relatos de mujeres que lucharon por la Independencia del Perú
  • We sponsored the 26th Lima International Book Fair (FIL Lima 2022), where we participated in person with an Ediciones Copé stand and three activities that were broadcast on cultural social networks.
  • We participated in the International Book Fair of Ayacucho, Huancayo, Iquitos, Ica, Arequipa and Piura, with a varied agenda of book presentations and talks.
  • We implemented school libraries in the areas where we participated in the IDF, during 2022.

on cultural social networks.

Other Cultural Management actions

  • In coordination with the Cultural Center of Peru, in Munich, we organized a colloquium on the book 21. Relatos sobre mujeres que lucharon por la Independencia del Perú, where Peruvian and foreign writers were presented.
  • In coordination with the Economic Culture Fund and the UNMSM, we present the book Repúblicas Sudamericanas en Construcción.
  • We introduced the Pandemic Storytellers program, which garnered 787 views.
  • We held a discussion around the exhibition Huauque. Símbolos del poder en el antiguo Perú, which reached 24,350 views on our Facebook cultural page.
  • We created a new section of columnists on the Cultural Management website, called Puentes, which contains technical and specialized articles from various branches of knowledge, by renowned Peruvian exponents and researchers.

Valuation of mentions in the press about cultural activities

Without own investment, we managed to obtain a reach of $232,062.09, where the appearances obtained the following distribution.

Percentage distribution of valuations of mentions in the press about cultural activities

Source: Cultural Management Unit of the Communications and Institutional Relations Management.

Therefore, the valuation and appearances in the specialized media on cultural activities that we have promoted has been greater than the investment made by the company for the realization of these. In this way, we contribute to a responsible practice and help Petroperú’s institutional reputation.

Reach of our cultural work

Source: Cultural Management Unit of the Communications and Institutional Relations Management.