Biodiversity management Biodiversity management

Biodiversity management

Biodiversity management

We have a Biodiversity Policy that includes criteria to manage the natural resources of the areas surrounding our operations and guide our actions towards a culture of prevention and conservation of the biological diversity of our headquarters at the national level.

It should be noted that our policy guarantees compliance with the requirements demanded at national and international level in the actions of reform and modernization of the units, in accordance with the demands of the market and society in general, in order to continue generating sustainable value.

In addition, we have a Biodiversity Management Plan, which focuses on protecting and conserving the highly sensitive biodiversity of the company’s areas of influence. We currently have 5,744 km2 of facilities near protected natural areas, which represent the same area as in 2021.

Facilities near protected natural areas

FacilityType of FacilitySurface area of the installation (km2)Location with respect to the ANP or high biodiversity area
Morona StationIndustrial area (pumping and storage) Housing area0.067Inside the Santiago Comaina Reserved Area*. The size, location and status of this protected area can be found at the following link: Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.
Station 1Industrial area (pumping and storage) Housing area0.39Inside the buffer zone of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve**. The size, location and status of this protected area can be found at the following link: Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.
Station 5Industrial area (pumping and storage) Housing area0.027Within areas of high biodiversity that are not protected. Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.
Station 6Industrial area (pumping and storage) Housing area0.062Within areas of high biodiversity that are not protected. Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.
Bayóvar TerminalIndustrial area (pumping and storage) Housing area5.198Adjacent to the Illescas Reserved Zone***, The size, location and status of this protected area is at the following link:   Terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Source: Sustainable Development Corporate Management.

In 2022, we extended the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation for three more years, with the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP), with the aim of forming a strategic alliance for the exchange of experiences and information related to the strengthening of institutional capacities for the management of natural resources that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of ecosystem services.

For more information on the addendum, you can visit the link below.

*          Supreme Decree No. 023-2007-AG.
**        Supreme Decree No. 007-2007-AG.
***      Ministerial Resolution No. 251-2010-MINAM.