Normative compliance Normative compliance

Normative compliance

Normative compliance

We are a state-owned and privately owned company subject to permanent compliance with legal obligations and contractual commitments. Regarding environmental compliance, we are subject to supervision by entities that, within the framework of their functions, have powers to verify and supervise that the development of the company’s activities is carried out in accordance with current environmental regulations. These entities include the following:

  • Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Office (OEFA).
  • Other administrative authorities (ANA, SERNANP, DICAPI, among others).

In 2022, despite preventive actions and technical-legal support, the OEFA imposed the following fines and socio-environmental sanctions on us:

  • Significant fines (*) amounting to 3,666,492 ITU(**) ( USD 4,415,147.43) in the processing of three Sanctioning Administrative Procedures (PAS), for allegedly failing to adopt prevention measures against the generation of negative environmental impacts as a result of spills that occurred in the ONP.
  • Non-significant fines amounting to 1’646,895 UIT (***).
  • 6 non-monetary sanctions referring to the imposition of corrective measures.

The fines and non-monetary sanctions imposed by the OEFA were assigned within the framework of sanctioning administrative procedures initiated as a result of supervision of the company’s facilities and operations.

In addition, the OEFA, within the framework of four monitoring procedures, has imposed a total of 16 preventive measures by warning that there is an imminent risk of damage to the environment due to environmental emergencies occurring in the ONP.

* Internally, in accordance with the provisions of Corporate Legal Management, significant fines will be those in excess of 1000 ITU.

** Tax Unit (UIT, in Spanish): value in soles established by the State to determine taxes, infractions, fines and other tax aspects. At the end of 2022, 1 UIT was equivalent to S/ 4600, equivalent to USD 1206.72.

*** It should be noted that some PASS will make their fine effective during 2023.

Comparative Significant Environmental Fines 2020-2022

Note. Information expressed in terms of an UIT.
Source: Corporate Legal Management.