Power management Power management

Power management

Power management

As part of the update of the strategic objectives 2023 – 2027, the Administration has been working on a specific objective for Energy Management that allows to ensure supply, optimize costs and evaluate and implement “Energy Efficiency” tools and techniques in order to obtain improvements that favorably impact the productivity and energy competitiveness of the processes and minimize their environmental impact.

Organizationally, the Operations have Energy Saving Sub-Committees and periodic meetings of the Central Energy Committee are held organized by the Technical Department Management (GDTC) of the Corporate Operations Management, which has as main objectives:

  • Monitor the Specific Energy Consumption KPIs of the Operations (with emphasis on furnaces and boilers).
  • Report progress of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Plans (Evaluation of equipment replacement, technological renovations, interconnection to the SEIN, etc.).
  • Follow up on agreed agreements and commitments.

During 2022, we consumed 2,938.46.51 gigajoules (GJ) and recorded an increase of 359%, compared to 2021, due to the gradual start-up of the units of the New Talara Refinery. It should be noted that 81% of this consumption was self-generated; while 19% came from the purchase of energy from electricity companies.

To determine energy consumption, a calculation methodology based on the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories was used.

The energy consumption values of each combustion engine or stationary source were collected, in addition to the amount and type of fuel consumed in each case. These values were converted into units of energy, according to the respective values of lower calorific value.

In the case of indirect energy consumption, information was collected on the activity parameters that the electricity service provider delivers to our operating units.

Our main source of energy is natural gas, which accounts for 71% of our company’s total energy consumption.

Consumo de energía en 2022

Energy source Energy consumed 2022 Energy consumed 2021
GJ % GJ  %
Natural gas 2,110,043.82 71.80 314,003.90 38.51
Acid Gas/Refinery Gas 0.00 0.00 399.04 0.05
Regenerator gas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Diesel 169,917.61 5.78 253,500.72 31.09
Electricity 548,297.36 18.66 140,935.04 17.29
Industrial/Residual Oil 110,137.23 3.75 105,933.50 12.99
Gasohol 399.40 0.01 513.95 0.06
LPG 51.08 0.00 13.29 0.00
Total 2,938,846.51 100.00 815,299.45 100.00

Source: Sustainable Development Corporate Management.

In 2024, the new Petroperú Energy Management Policy was approved.