General Meeting of Shareholders General Meeting of Shareholders

General Meeting of Shareholders

General Meeting of Shareholders

In accordance with Supreme Decree No. 014-2018-EM and its amendments, the only shareholder of our company is the Peruvian State, which is represented at the General Shareholders’ Meeting through five members:

Shareholders Meeting

  • Minister of Energy and Mines, Chairman of the Board.
  • Minister of Economy and Finance, member of the Board.
  • Deputy Minister of Hydrocarbons of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, member of the Board.
  • Deputy Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, member of the Board.
  • Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, member of the Board.

Each member of the General Shareholders’ Meeting represents 20% of the shares of the share capital of our company, as indicated in the aforementioned Supreme Decree.

Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders are held, the notices of which are publicly available on its official website, in the convening notices section. In this section all the calls are published.

The General Meeting of Shareholders appoints the members of the Board of Directors when it deems it appropriate for the interests of the company, or when resignations or removals have been presented by the members. Likewise, they are empowered to propose candidates for members of the Board of Directors to the General Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors and the shareholders.

During 2022, the General Shareholders’ Meeting held 10 sessions, seven of them in person and three in person. In these sessions, we had 100% direct exercise of shareholder rights, the main topics that were discussed were the following:

  • Approval of the increase in share capital.
  • Approval of Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements.
  • Appointment of Directors.