Organizational climate and culture Organizational climate and culture

Organizational climate and culture

Organizational climate and culture

We care about maintaining a good working environment and the motivation of our workers, which is possible through fluid and interactive internal communication between all parties. Therefore, the information provided by our workers through our exchange spaces was considered by the company as an input to promote initiatives that positively impact the well-being of our human capital.

Main actions during 2022

  • We maintain spaces for direct dialogue between our leaders and workers, through virtual presentations by General Management. This action makes it possible to report the situation of the company and the progress of the main projects.
  • We carried out group conversations led by the General Management and the Presidency of the Board of Directors, where our workers participated. These conversations were held weekly and allow to know the concerns and requirements of the staff on labor issues, benefits and other topics of interest.
  • We increased the reach of the internal social network Yammer, where our workers actively participated.
  • We interact quickly with our workers through the Petroinforma communication channel, via WhatsApp.