Parental leave Parental leave

Parental leave

Parental leave

We grant our temporary workers the same benefits as full-time staff; however, we must specify that, by internal company regulations, there are benefits that are granted under certain requirements and are voluntary affiliation. Such is the case of the Family Medical Assistance Program (PAMF), to which the worker and his family group (spouse, children and parents) can join, with a three-month waiting period to be able to attend the clinics affiliated with said program, a time that could exceed the periods of temporary hiring of staff.

In the following tables, we present the total number of employees who have been entitled to parental leave.

Workers entitled to parental leave by age and sex

Age group Sex Plants and terminals OFP ONP Conchán Refinery Iquitos Refinery Talara Refinery General total
Under 30 Male 20 6 20 10 6 134 196
Female 1 14 3 5 6 35 64
31-40 Male 52 103 66 45 60 373 699
Female 24 84 11 7 7 69 202
41 – 50 Male 56 100 48 53 48 206 511
Female 6 74 9 12 4 14 119
51 – 60 Male 17 56 25 22 25 41 186
Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Over 61 Male 23 80 174 48 41 175 541
Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total   199 517 356 202 197 1047 2518

Source: Corporate Human Resources Management.

Workers on parental leave according to sex

Maternity leave Paternity leave
According to sex No. of Workers No. of Days No. of Workers No. of Days
Female 23 1721
Male 77 823
Total 23 1721 77 823

Source: Corporate Human Resources Management.

Workers on parental leave who returned to work

According to sex Maternity leave Paternity leave
No. of Workers No. of Workers
Female 18
Male 77
Total 18 77

Source: Corporate Human Resources Management.

Workers on parental leave who returned and continue to work 12 months later

According to sex Maternity leave Paternity leave
No. of Workers No. of Workers
Female 22
Male 75
Total 22 75

Source: Corporate Human Resources Management.

It should be noted that, during 2022, the rate of return to work and retention of workers who took parental leave, according to gender, was 95.