Culture of prevention against occupational hazards and risks Culture of prevention against occupational hazards and risks

Culture of prevention against occupational hazards and risks

Culture of prevention against occupational hazards and risks

Based on our management model, we established methodologies to identify hazards and environmental aspects, and assess risks, which have allowed us to determine controls to mitigate risks and prevent workplace damage, as well as associated environmental impacts. The hazard and risk review is carried out at least once a year or when making changes to the process or installation.

Our approach to prevention

In order to reduce accidents at work, we base our actions on principles that seek to protect the physical integrity, health and quality of life of our workers, contractors and the immediate environment of our operations.

Main trainings and prevention talks

Action Topic
  • Awareness of Petroperú’s Integrated Quality, Environment, Safety and Health at Work Policy.
  • Stop Work.
  • IPER Matrices/Matrices.
  • CASS Corporate Induction.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management and Leadership.
  • Work Permits, Safe Work Analysis (ATS), Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment and Control (IPERC), Behavior Based Safety (SBC) and Defensive Management.
  • Safety and Fire Week.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Week.
  • Fire Prevention Week.
  • Training of emergency response brigades.
Improvement tools
  • Contractor CASS Management.
  • Management of work permits.
  • Vehicle Management.

Source: Safety Department Management.

In addition, during 2022, we developed the CASS Awareness Program in order to generate a change in the way our workers act, who must assume a responsible attitude and respect for the protection of the safety and health of the environment. From this program, we achieved the following:

  • We provide a total of 70,077 man-hours of health and safety training, including our own staff as contractors.
  • Execution of 10 corporate security stops at all locations, with the participation of 30,448 workers, including internal staff and contractors.
  • Issuance of 1899 Petroperú T- Care cards.
  • Constant execution of safety moments when starting work meetings.
  • Carrying out 12 awareness campaigns: Process Safety, Property Safety, Management Model, Occupational Health and Safety, Behavior-Based Safety, Vehicle Accident Prevention, Fire Prevention, Critical Risks Hand Care, Fall Prevention, Petroperú T-Cuida Card, Management Walk.
  • Carrying out 81 drills.

We maintain a focus on prevention and mitigation of impacts on the safety and health of our workers, as a result of commercial activities. For this reason, we make sure that our marketable products are made in accordance with the technical specifications and current regulations.

Each product we sell has a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), which shows reference information for safe handling. These files are public and can be found on our website In addition, we provide our customers with a batch test report of the delivered product, in accordance with the quality control performed.