Acknowledgements received Acknowledgements received

Acknowledgements received

Acknowledgements received

During 2022, we received the following acknowledgements:

1st Place in Customer Experience Index

Organized by Centrum PUCP, Datum Internacional and XCostumer in the category of service stations, for standing out in the dimensions of brand, product, service and emotional experience.

Obtained for the Technified Irrigation Project in Ninacaca (Pasco), developed in the peasant community of San Pedro and which benefits about 200 peasant families.

Distinction awarded in recognition of the contribution of our workers through the Ponle Corazón collection, to make the construction of a new home a reality that will double the attention of children, youth and adults in the country.

Nos posicionamos en el puesto 75 de 100 en el ranking We are ranked 75 out of 100 in the Merco Empresas 2022 ranking. In the energy sector, we held the 2nd place, which represents an improvement compared to 2021.

ReRecognition as speakers at the IV Annual Congress of Occupational Health and Safety – Seal 2022, as part of the Concession of the Natural Gas Distribution System by Pipeline Network of the South West Concession.