Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

As an energy company, one of our greatest challenges is to ensure that sustainability is sustainable; that is, that sustainability actions are viable and that guarantee ethical and responsible profitability.

It is important to note that traditional fossil fuel and renewable energy are not enemies of the path of sustainability, but – on the contrary – are partners.

Under this philosophy, we voluntarily link ourselves to the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the Declaration of Human Rights, the Principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Equator Principles, in addition to betting on the Sustainable Development Goals – UNDP.

Our action on environmental matters is guided by six principles aligned with the SDGs, which represent the basis of our environmental protection and performance standards: efficient use of energy, care for air quality, responsible consumption of water, reduction of impacts on the soil, comprehensive waste management and protection of biodiversity.

SDGs aligned with Petroperú’s environmental management principles

Source: Sustainable Development Corporate Management.