Customers management Customers management

Customers management

Customers management

We seek to meet the needs of our customers, as this contributes to the positioning of the brand nationwide. Under this line, we classify our clients as follows:

  • Petroperú Network
    • Affiliated fuel/service stations
  • Distributors
    • Retailers
    • Wholesale distributors
    • Bulk LPG distributor
    • Chemical product distributor
  • White (unaffiliated) gas/service stations
  • LPG packaging plant
  • Industrial companies
    • Aviation
    • Maritime
    • Oil companies
    • Construction
    • Mining
    • Transportation
    • Fisheries
    • Agroindustrial
    • Utility service providers
    • Armed Forces and the National Police of Peru
    • Others.

In 2022, we managed to increase the number of service stations affiliated with the Petroperú Network by 31, compared to the end of 2021.

We focus on meeting the needs of customers and consumers, as this contributes to the positioning of the brand nationwide. Along these lines, based on actions and initiatives to strengthen our 731 service stations, we managed to increase the Petroperú Network by 4% in 2022.

In addition, we achieved a market share of liquid fuels and LPG of 31% (*).

We also placed the Petroperú Blue product on the market, the first project in the company with royalty income (brand use).

We monitor our performance

To ensure the continuous improvement of our customer service processes at service stations affiliated with the Petroperú Network, we apply the Incognito Customer Program:

  • En el año 2022, logramos superar en un 2% el nivel de servicio objetivo para toda la red In 2022, we managed to exceed the target service level for the entire network by 2% (72% vs. 70%).

We reinforced our cultural identity

Al cierre del 2022, logramos identificar 158 estaciones de servicio con la nueva identidad visual deAt the end of 2022, we managed to identify 158 service stations with the new visual identity of our brand.

We follow up on all complaints and suggestions

We manage to respond to all queries, recommendations, complaints and suggestions received on the web portal, as well as through customer service mail.

We continuously train our Petroperú Network

We carry out the following training and face-to-face monitoring at the service stations of the Petroperú Network nationwide:

  • Verification of the OSH protocol.
  • Quality assessment of the Customer Service Protocol service.
  • In the training program with external exhibitors, we carried out 60 trainings, 25 virtual and 35 face-to-face, which were aimed at the Petroperú Network. From this program, we achieved 2475 attendees, 60 hours of training and 148,500 man hours of training.
  • In the training program with technical services exhibitors, we held 20 videoconferences aimed at the Petroperú Network. We achieved a total of 1646 attendees, 20 hours of training and 32,920 man hours of training.
  • Convenience Store Evaluation.
  • Verification of the protocols in storage tanks.

We also improved our sales processes and attracted new customers through innovative initiatives that strengthened our brand.

Actions to improve sales processes and attract new customers

Processes Improvement actions
VAO storesWe continue with the implementation of the franchise model of the Petroperú Network, with four new convenience stores. At the end of 2022, we had nine VAO stores.
AltokeDigital sales channel for direct customers (Petroperú Network service stations and industry) that allows self-management of fuel orders in an efficient and practical way. In 2022, we implemented six sales plants. We held training meetings with clients, as well as pilots with service stations that supplied in Talara, Iquitos and Conchán.
QR Code PilotVAO stores are in the process of growth and evolution, so we need information to improve and strengthen ourselves in the market.

Source: Commercial Corporate Management.

During 2022, to ensure our participation in key sectors for the country’s development, we have consolidated the following contractual actions with our industrial customers.

  • In mining, we obtained the Certificate of Homologation with Volcan for another year. It should be noted that we were audited by the consulting firm SGS del Perú S. A. C., and we managed to pass with a score of 100% in all the areas audited.
  • In line with the recovery of the aviation sector, we managed to increase the sales of our fuels by 74%.
  • We won fuel awards for companies in the transport and aviation sector.
  • We managed to make extraordinary sales to companies in the electricity sector.

(*) The information is expressed as a percentage because it is sensitive information.