Supplier management Supplier management

Supplier management

Supplier management

During 2022, we continued to carry out activities aimed at optimizing the procurement management process, such as updating logistics procedures, among which we can highlight the following: competition and selective award processes, contracts not subject to the regulations, formulation and management of requirements, abbreviated award.

We actively participate in the dissemination of policies focused on the protection of the environment, health and quality of life. In our administrative bases, we include the new Integrated Management Policy for Quality, Environment, Process Safety, Safety and Health at Work and we have a Procurement Regulation that establishes the principle of sustainability applied to procurement management. Likewise, we ask the suppliers to sign an affidavit of commitment to observe the provisions of the indicated policy.

In the environmental framework, we continue to use the SUPLOS Call Portal (, where suppliers can submit their technical and economic proposals. In this way, we not only provide greater access to bidders, but we also reduce the use of paper in the presentation of their applications.

It should be noted that, in order to pre-qualify our suppliers and evaluate the level at which they are governed by sustainability principles, both socially and environmentally, in our Qualified Supplier Database (BDCP) we use a questionnaire as an affidavit, in addition to entering information on their social, environmental and governance management.

We propose as a goal to increase the number of suppliers in our BDCP, with the aim of maintaining the quality of the management of the BDCP and reducing the costs of registration in the BDCP for suppliers. To do this, we consider the increase in suppliers and the reduction in supplier subscription costs as indicators.

The results obtained from the evaluations carried out on the 1205 companies registered in our BDCP are relevant to establish actions necessary to manage the expectations of critical actors and mitigate the social risks of each operation. Likewise, we carried out a performance evaluation of our contractors in different factors, of which, from what was reported by the contract administrators regarding the factor of economy, environment and person, in 2022, 0% of negative incidents were obtained.

In relation to the contracting processes during 2022, the following result was obtained in the initial strategic procurement matrix, depending on the financial impact and the risk/complexity of the requirement:

Number of processes per quadrant

Kraljic Quadrant Ref. Conchán Ref. Iquitos Pipeline OFP Talara Refinery Total

Source: Logistics Department Management.

To meet the requirements of the different units of the company during 2022, we formalized the conclusion of the contract, either through work orders to third parties, purchase orders, literal contracts and framework contracts.

It should be noted that, by the regulations governing our contracts, we maintain free competition and transparency through the selection processes in accordance with the contracting modalities, in addition to allowing contracts of up to three years or exceptionally longer, according to the operational needs of the company, which allows us to strengthen relationships with suppliers, optimize planning, generate savings and reduce administrative procedures.

In this framework, in 2022, we updated the BDCP procedure, which includes the supplier performance evaluation format, which allows us to adopt measures regarding the evaluations of suppliers that obtain a negative score. We are also working on updating the technical conditions of the Administration Service of the BDCP.

It should be noted that annually our company carries out different audits such as financial and forensic due diligence, in order to verify compliance with the procedures. The contract administrators carry out the performance evaluation of the suppliers, which is uploaded to the Achilles platform (BDPC), in case said supplier has a negative score in his evaluation.

Suppliers registered in our BDCP are monitored in the restrictive lists, in order to prevent any linkage with suppliers with money laundering and terrorist financing crimes. In addition, based on the update of the Technical Conditions of the Administration Service of our BDCP, we identified opportunities for improvement for the future administration of the BDCP, which will allow us to manage the contracting for the next period, such as the monthly monitoring of suppliers registered in the BDCP, verification of suppliers disqualified in the OSCE and the decrease in prices to register as suppliers, among others.

Based on these actions, in 2022 we did not contract with any supplier that was on the restrictive list. In addition, we carry out the verification of the registration of the suppliers in the BDCP on the date of submission of the offer, the granting of Buena Pro and the signing of the contract. In addition, during this period, we continued to use the Inspektor platform, which allows us to consult and verify restrictive, binding, inhibitory or conditioning lists, informative and PEPs.

It should be noted that in the supplier registration process we include the new Integrated Management Policy for Environmental Quality, Process Safety, Safety and Health at Work, and we have a Procurement Regulation that establishes the principle of sustainability applied in procurement management. Likewise, we ask the suppliers to sign an affidavit of commitment to observe the provisions of the indicated policy.

In 2022, the suppliers registered in the BCDP increased by 6.4%, compared to 2021. It should be noted that, in the audits carried out in that period, we did not receive observations about our suppliers.

Suppliers management (2021-2022 comparative)

Suppliers 2021 2022
Companies registered in our BDCP11281205
National suppliers91.1%91.8%
International Suppliers8.9%8.2%

Source: Logistics Department Management.

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