Waste management Waste management

Waste management

Waste management

Based on the Solid Waste Management Law and its regulations, we formulate and execute strategies to reduce, segregate, recover and properly dispose of waste generated at our facilities on a national scale.

Waste management measures adopted during 2022

  • Talara Refinery and Lot I
    In 2022, as part of the agreement with the Municipality of Talara, we started the segregation of waste at the source in which we implemented 84 ecological points in Talara Refinery, Sales Plant, Lot I and Mile Six.
  • Conchán Refinery
    We deliver reusable material to the Children’s Villages entity for its valorisation.
  • Iquitos Refinery
    We reuse the organic waste generated in Refinería Iquitos through composting, and this is used as fertilizer for the green areas of the operation.
  • At the corporate level
    We encourage the completion of digital procedures, which allows us to reduce the use of paper and associated shipping procedures.

In 2022, we generated 24.8 tons of non-hazardous solid waste, and 48,279.54 tons of hazardous waste.

The following table presents detailed information on the generation of solid waste by site, where it is evident that the Talara Refinery records greater generation of solid waste.

Generation of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste by site (tn)

Location Non-hazardous waste Hazardous waste  Total   Percentage 
Organic Waste  Inorganic Waste
Conchán Refinery 0.00 18.97 0.80 19,771.49 0.0%
Iquitos Refinery 16.59 7.23 95.39 119,219.80 0.2%
Talara Refinery 8.54 8.15 48,137.38 48,154,079.97 99.2%
North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP) 103.04 50.88 13.56 167,480.65 0.3%
Head Office 0.00 17.41 0.00 17,410.00 0.0%
Plants and terminals 3.31 9.69 32.39 45,398.70 0.1%
Lot I 0.00 0.00 0.03 25.84 0.0%
Total 131.50 112.34 48,279.54 48,523.38  
Percentage 0.3% 0.2% 99.5%    

Source: Sustainable Development Corporate Management.

As for non-hazardous solid waste, the North Peruvian Pipeline location generates the highest rate of this waste, with 153.92 tons.

Non-hazardous solid waste by site

Location Non-hazardous (t) Final disposal
Conchán Refinery18.97It is managed through the District Municipality of Lurín.
Iquitos Refinery23.83Agreement with the District Municipality of Punchana. The waste is taken to landfills.
Talara Refinery16.70In the places authorized by the Provincial Municipality of Talara, these are taken to landfills.
North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP)153.92They are taken to landfills.
Head Office17.41Final provision in charge of the Municipality of San Isidro and the authorized companies.
Plants and terminals13.01Agreement with the municipalities where the Sales Plants and Airport Plants are located.
Lot I0.00In places authorized by the Provincial Municipality of Talara and are taken to landfills.

Source: Sustainable Development Corporate Management.

The headquarters that generated the most hazardous waste during 2022 was the Talara Refinery, with 48,137.38 tons.

Non-hazardous solid waste by site

Location Hazardous (t) Final disposal
Conchán Refinery0.80Disposal through authorized companies.
Iquitos Refinery95.39Disposal in an accredited security infill.
Talara Refinery48 137.38Disposal in the secure landfill owned by Petroperú.
North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP)13.56Disposal through authorized companies.
Head Office0.00Final disposal by authorized companies
Plants and terminals32.39Disposal through authorized companies.
Lot I0.03Disposal through authorized companies.
Total48 279.54 

Source: Sustainable Development Corporate Management.

Waste management in Talara

At the Talara Refinery we started with the comprehensive waste management program with different actions to reduce, reuse and recycle. As a result of the effectiveness of the program, in 2022, we managed to recover 6% of its waste. This percentage represents the starting point for improving this environmental performance indicator year after year.

We implemented the following actions regarding waste management:

  • We implemented Ecological Points.
    In 2022, we started the implementation of 84 ecological points in the Talara Refinery, Sales Plant, Lot I and Mile Six, in order to provide the necessary resources to workers for an adequate segregation of solid waste, in accordance with NTP 900.058:2019.
  • Source Segregation Program.
    Through this program, we benefit the formal associations of waste pickers in Talara, jointly with the municipality. Since 2022, we have adopted this practice and continue to work on staff awareness. Therefore, in 2022, we delivered 16,702.53 kg of usable waste to the program for recovery.
  • Toner Collection.
    Since 2022, we have participated in the HP Planet Partners Program of the HP brand, which consists of returning empty toner to the supplier to be reinserted into their processes.
  • Campaigns.
    During 2022, we have carried out different awareness campaigns such as the Recyclaton contest, information flyers, and environmental activities, among others.