Materiality Materiality



We present our main results of economic, social and environmental management, during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022. This methodology is used in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). This demonstrates our commitment to meeting the expectations of our various stakeholders.

The preparation cycle of this report is annual and there are no significant changes in information in relation to the previous reports. The date of the last report corresponds to 2021.

For the preparation of this report, we updated the materiality analysis and validated the sustainability issues communicated in the 2021 Sustainability Report. The update included both the review of the context of the organization, reviewing documentary information, the preparation of a benchmarking of the leading companies in the sector on an international scale and the review of global and national risk reports.

Thus, the consolidation of the identification of impacts found in the dialogue channels of our stakeholders (investors, customers, contractors, workers and local communities) was also reviewed. These opinions, queries, and complaints are collected through our dialogue channels and are included in Petroperú’s work plans and corporate reports in order to strengthen management with our stakeholders and the information provided.

On the other hand, a workshop was held with the sustainability area and two workshops with managers. The material issues are crossed with the GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021 supplement, to finally have our materiality matrix. Finally, the materiality matrix is validated by Corporate Management Sustainable Development and is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors (including the most critical concerns), once the 2022 Sustainability Report is concluded.

This analysis included four stages detailed below:

Our indicators

During this process we have updated our material topics corresponding to the management of our company in 2022; in addition, we established a relationship between the material topics and the contents of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

List of material aspects, coverage and related stakeholders

No. Material topic Standard Series Coverage Stakeholders
01Generation of economic valueGRI 201-1 NO GRI: IPN-2Internal and externalCommunity, State, civil society, partners, media, shareholders
02Supplier ManagementGRI 204-1ExternalWorkers, Contractors
03Business ethicsGRI 205-1 GRI 205-2 GRI 205-3Internal and externalShareholders, customers, partners, State, civil society
04Climate change managementGRI 302-1, GRI 302-4 GRI 305-1, GRI 305-2 GRI 305-3, GRI 305-4 GRI 305-5, GRI 305-7Internal and externalCommunity, State, civil society, partners, media, shareholders
05Environmental ManagementGRI 303-1, GRI 303-2 GRI 303-3, GRI 303-4 GRI 303-5, GRI 304-1 GRI 304-2, GRI 304-3 GRI 304-4, GRI 306-1 GRI 306-2, GRI 306-3 GRI 306-4, GRI 306-5 NO GRI: IPN-1Internal and externalCommunity, State, civil society, partners, media, shareholders
06Employment PracticesGRI 401-1, GRI 401-2 GRI 401-3, GRI 402-1 GRI 404-1, GRI 404-2 GRI 404-3, GRI 405-1 GRI 407-1InternalWorkers, Contractors, Shareholders, Community, State
07Commitment to health and safetyGRI 403-1, GRI 403-2 GRI 403-3, GRI 403-4 GRI 403-5, GRI 403-6 GRI 403-7, GRI 403-8 GRI 403-9, GRI 416-1Internal and externalContractors, workers, customers
08Local Relationship-buildingGRI 411-1 GRI 413-1ExternalCommunity, media, civil society

On the other hand, our 2022 Sustainability Report carried out an external assurance verification by the supplier AENOR, for which it was attended by senior executives from the most strategic and representative areas of Petroperú. (*) Finally, the highest governing body in Petroperú has the responsibility of reviewing and approving this Sustainability Report.

(*) In accordance with the Petroperú Procurement Regulations, three proposals were requested and reviewed, of which the supplier AENOR was chosen for complying with the required criteria and times.